Sunday, March 18, 2012

God's Overwhelming Love for Us

Sundays might be the best day of the week. sundays with a fireside on the end are the bestest day ever! Tonight we had a stake fireside given by a religion professor at BYU.

he started by stating that there is a stereotype that the God in the New Testament is a god of mercy and the Old Testament shows a god of justice. but in reality by looking further and more in depth into the stories we actually learn that there are more examples of his love throughout the Old Testament.

It is through his justice that he teaches us but he is constantly begging us to come back to him.

One of my favorite points he made was that we can never mess up enough to make our heavenly father not love us. He loves us infinitely, and unconditionally.

We should constantly be striving to be better and more Christlike but when we make mistakes, and we will all make mistakes, our heavenly father has given us a way to return to him through the atonement. And while there might be pain along the way, it is there because he loves us and wants us to return to him.

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